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How to Ground and Center

Posted by Stephanie Nastasia on Aug 1st 2021

How to Ground and Center

In this fast paced, electronic world it is extremely important to make sure we ground and center! This will help us reach a place of emotional and spiritual balance as well as being able to be present in the current moment. It is also important to ground and center before performing any type of divination or rituals. Divination and rituals should not be attempted if you are feeling sad, angry, upset, anxious, or depressed. These emotions can create a tear or opening in our Auric Field allowing outside influences or attachments to form. The term "Ground and Center" means being present and content where we are and being in a balanced, calm, peaceful emotional state. So how can we become grounded and centered? I'm going to offer you a few ideas and methods. As always, experiment with different methods and choose what resonates the most with you.

An easy and effective way to ground is walking outside barefoot. We are electrical beings. Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain. The Earth naturally helps us to ground these electrical currents, just as the electricity going to your home needs to be grounded. That is why the practice of walking barefoot or "grounding" is scientifically proven to help improve sleep, normalize cortisol rhythm, reduce inflammation, reduce pain, improve wound healing and more.* This practice helps us physically ground with the Earth and physically feel the effects. You can also place your hands on the Earth. Our hands carry powerful chakras. We use our hands to send and receive energy on a daily basis. 

Some practices for emotionally grounding and centering are envisioning ourselves as a tree. Picture in your minds eye that roots are growing out from your feet. Your spine is strait and strong, providing security and stability. Your arms are outstretched, sprouting leaves that soak up the energy of the Sun, absorbing life force energy and providing strength. Breathing exercises are also extremely effective. Take a deep breathe in through your nose, hold it for two seconds, and slowly release it out through your mouth. Keep repeating this exercise until you feel calm and relaxed. You can use grounding crystals by wearing jewelry with grounding stones, holding them, or placing them at your feet or on your root chakra during meditation. Some grounding crystals include smoky quartz, black tourmaline, obsidian, hematite, red jasper, and black kyanite. Connecting to nature can help ground and center. Take a walk in the park or forest. Spend time in your garden or planting trees. Some people feel grounded and centered when they are in the process of creating. Whether that is painting, writing, playing an instrument, or crafting. Relaxing while using your creativity to do something you enjoy can be very grounding and centering. Journaling is also beneficial. The act of reflecting on your thoughts and feelings and writing out what you are grateful for. A nice relaxing salt bath is one way I personally love to ground and center. It helps to cleanse your auric field and bring you to a state of calm. Or course I could also add meditation, but really all of the above are different forms or aspects of meditation. If you feel more comfortable sitting and listening to guided meditation, by all means do that! As always, I hope this helps and remember to ground and center on a daily basis! Wishing you all many blessings! 


The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

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