Working with herbs is one of my greatest passions. Herbs are full of nutrition, healing abilities, and magic. They are natures medicine. It is the belief of many herbalists, including myself, that nature provides a cure for every physical ailment. In fact, 75% of conventional medications have their active ingredient derived from a plant. Did you know the active ingredient of Tamiflu is derived from star anise? In addition to seasoning our food or creating herbal decoctions and tinctures, herbs provide aroma therapy and energy to ritual work. Herbs are great additions to mojo bags or dream pillows. They can be added as a dressing to candles or infused in ritual oils. You can add them to your bath, create salves, or burn them as incense. Working with herbs is truly the most versatile magic you can create, with your imagination being your only limit!
First let's take a look at a bit of basic ancient herbalism. You can get a general idea of a plants healing and spiritual benefits just by recognizing plant signatures. This notion, known as the doctrine of signatures, holds that plants have a “signature” - color, texture, shape, scent, even the environment in which they grow — that resembles the body parts and diseases they heal. For example, Lungwort, with its spotty leaves that look like lung tissue, is often used for respiratory issues. Walnuts resemble the human brain. Traditionally walnuts were considered medicinal treatment for head-related ailments. Today, we know the fatty acids contained in walnuts actually improve concentration and memory. The hairs found on the stinging nettle resemble fine needles. This appearance has drawn the plant closer to stinging-related conditions, such as insect bites, allergies, and rheumatism. The flowers of eye bright resemble the human eye. Eyebright is one of the most efficient remedies for conjunctivitis. Hairy leaves are a signature for the hairs of the mucosa. Lungwort, Mullein, and Coltsfoot all have hairy leaves and are all remedies for harsh coughs that wear down the villa of the lungs. The doctrine of signatures hold true for spiritual or metaphysical uses of plants. Cedar trees are all large, tall trees with deep roots, known for their strength. Similarly, Cedar is known for strength and protection. Red is a color of love and passion. Roses and hibiscus are well known symbols of love. Salt prevents the growth of bacteria and is a natural preservative. Metaphysically, salt is cleansing and purifying. Essentially, the doctrine of signatures is the practical application of the Law of Correspondence.
While you can ingest herbs for healing and magic, it is very important to note that you should consult your doctor first and work under an experienced herbalist before doing so. Just like conventional medicine, high doses of certain herbs can be very toxic. Also, some herbs have contraindications with medications and/or medical conditions. That being said, let's take a look at a few common herbs and their correspondences!
White Sage- The planetary correspondence for sage is Jupiter and it is associated with the element of air. Medicinally, it is a remedy for coughs, colds, fever, sinus infections, and lung infections. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown the smoke from burning white sage eliminates bacteria form the air. Spiritually, white sage is well known for it's powerful clearing abilities. It is commonly used as a smudge to clear unwanted energies.
Salt- Salt is perhaps the most well known tool for purification and protection. It is even to the point of being shown in nearly every movie about witches and demons. Pink Himalayan salt lamps are now a thing of popularity. Found in numerous stores, farmers markets, and homes. Salt lamps have scientifically been shown to release negative ions into the air when heated. Those negatively charged ions bind to positively charged pollutants. Effectively purifying the air in your space. The use of salt for clearing and protection is timeless. In Hindu tradition, salt is given as a house warming gift. Parts of Europe had the tradition of adding salt to the butter churn to keep evil witches from souring the butter or harming the cow from which the milk came from. In Buddhist tradition, salt is believed to ward off evil spirits. It is custom to throw salt over your shoulder when returning from a funeral to keep evil spirits from entering your home. Salt is mentioned in the Hebrew and Christian bible numerous times and is used in creating Holy Water.
Black Pepper- The planetary correspondence for pepper is Mars and it is associated with the element of fire. What is less commonly known about pepper is that it is full of antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves brain function, slows the growth of cancer cells, aids in pain relief, and helps boost the absorption of nutrients. These little peppercorns are powerful for banishing negative energy and protection.
Palo Santo- Known as Holy Wood, it comes from a tree native to South America. The planetary correspondence for Palo Santo is Mercury and its associated element is air. It is extremely cleansing and clearing. The smoke is antibacterial and antiviral. South American natives used it to clear out negativity and sickness. Palo Santo is enjoyed by many for its energetically cleansing and healing properties similar to Sage and Cedar. It is a strong medicine that has been popularized for its heavenly presence in keeping energies grounded and clear.
Rosemary- The planetary correspondence for rosemary is the Sun and its associated element is fire. This is a wonderful herb for numerous purposes! Rosemary is anti inflammatory and rich in antioxidants. It improves circulation, boosts the immune system, and aids in improving memory. Rosemary makes a great smudge or incense because it clears negative energy while inviting positive energy simultaneously. It is also associated with remembrance of ancestors and passed loved ones.
Rose- Roses are beautiful and a well known traditional symbol of love. They also have a tremendous amount of health benefits. Rose hips are high in vitamin C. Roses are also anti bacterial, anti septic, anti inflammatory, and contain antioxidants. As an astringent, they are great for treating skin rashes, tightening pores, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. They are also used as an aphrodisiac. The planetary correspondence for rose is Venus and its element is water. Metaphysically, roses are used for love, beauty, luck, and happiness. Roses are also used for protection. Just take a look at the thorns that cover a roses stem.
Cedar- Cedar is associated with the root chakra and its planetary correspondences are the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. It has been used for spiritual purification and protection for thousands of years. Churches, Temples, coffins, and boats frequently were built from cedar wood. Some would say this is because cedar is known for its durability. It is naturally insect repellent, water resistant, and decay resistant. However, humans have always held a primal belief in the healing powers of plants.There are several Native American legends that tell of a powerful spirit that lives in the cedar tree that will protect the people. Native Americans also burned cedar as a smudge for protection, banishing, and purification for those who had recent contact with the dead.
Sweetgrass- The planetary correspondence for sweetgrass is the Moon and Venus. It is associated with the element of water. Sweetgrass is known to have a blood thinning effect and was used by Native Americans to treat colds. Like the name suggests, it draws in sweet energies. It represents positivity, the mother, purification, and the connection to Source. Its smell when burned dry is a sweet smell, reminiscent of our ancestors.
Butchers Broom- The planetary correspondence is Mars and it is associated with the element of air. Butchers broom gets its name from its original use in Europe. The stiff branches were crafted into a broom to clear off butchers blocks. Butchers believed the plant helped remove any negative energy or unclean spirits. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and has a long history of medicinal use. Butchers broom is a useful ally in banishment work and protection. It is also helpful for divination and enhancing psychic powers.
Lavender- Lavender is anti septic and anti inflammatory. It is a great remedy for minor burns and insect bites. It has a calming effect that when used for aromatherapy helps induce sleep and combat depression. The planetary correspondence for lavender is Mercury and its element is air. This beautiful, fragrant herb is wonderful for drawing in peace, luck, stress relief, and positive vibrations. It is also great for warding off nightmares and enhancing spiritual connections.
Clove- Cloves are a wonderful aromatic spice that are synonymous with fall and baking hams. Cloves also produce numerous health benefits. They are antimicrobial and contain antioxidants. They are also great for pain relief. Just apply a drop of clove oil to a painful tooth and you'll experience immediate relief! The planetary correspondence for clove is Jupiter and it is associated with the element of fire. Spiritually, cloves are extremely protective and used for banishing negative energy. They are also great for drawing in luck and prosperity.
Mugwort- The botanical name Artemisia Vulgaris honors the Greek goddess, Artemis. Like the Goddess Artemis, mugwort is associated with associated with the moon, cycles, women’s health, and childbirth. Mugwort is high in magnesium, making it great for sore muscles and cramps. The planetary correspondence for mugwort is the Moon and Venus. Its element is water. This herb is protective and makes a great smudge for clearing unwanted energies. It is also well known for inducing lucid dreams, aiding astral projection, and enhancing divination.
Dragons Blood- The planetary correspondence to dragons blood resin is Mars and its element is fire. The bright red sap that comes from these trees resembles blood. Ancient peoples associated this with wound healing. In South America it was considered a “heal-all” and used to treat a large variety of ailments. It acts as a protective barrier when applied topically. This “heal-all” resin also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Dragons blood is known to be extremely protective and used for banishing unwanted energies. It also helps add energy or potency to intentions.
Patchouli- This herb has a strong scent that people either love or hate. Medicinally, this incredible plant is anti fungal, anti bacterial, and anti inflammatory. It also has strong aphrodisiac qualities. Its planetary correspondence is Saturn and its element is Earth. Patchouli is a powerfully grounding herb that is great for protection. It is also useful in drawing in prosperity, love, and passion.
Cinquefoil- Also knowns as Five Finger Grass, this is one of my go to prosperity herbs. The five points of the leaves represent love, money, health, power and wisdom. The planetary correspondence for cinquefoil is Jupiter and its element is fire. Not only is it powerful for prosperity, it is also extremely protective and useful in promoting prophetic dreams. Medicinally, it is a powerful astringent, good for gastrointestinal issues. It is also anti bacterial and anti inflammatory.
Let this serve as just the beginning of your herbal journey! There are thousands of herbs, spices, and resins that you can incorporate in your spiritual and everyday life. As you continue to learn about different plants, you can begin to appreciate the incredible benefits of many plants modern society has deemed as weeds. A walk in the woods can serve as an eye opening experience of how nature surrounds us with an abundant supply of medicine and magic! In the kitchen, you can intentionally add common spices to your food, infusing your meals with magic. Wishing you all many blessings as you explore the world of herbs!